Monthly Archives: December 2012

Received tablet (Slate) from Microsoft as part of winning the GenApp Great Slate Giveaway Competition

Microsoft sent me a Windows 8 Samsung Slate for being the first few members to successfully publish Windows Store apps at Microsoft store. The apps were available at Microsoft store even before Windows 8 GA (General Availability).

Below is the box with Windows 8 slate. It came with Digital Pen Stylet.


Figure 1: Package of Samsung Slate

Fig 2 shows the outside features of Samsung slate.IMG_0634 

Figure 2: Overview of the Windows 8 slate and it’s features.

Won Intel App Round 2 – AppInnovation contest Submission Award winner‏

Looks like my Windows 8 app is winning round 2 of Intel competition.

Few days ago, i received an email from  CodeProject, mentioning that i am one of the AppInnovation contest Submission Award winner‏. See details at

They have put up the Winners list at

Well, the contest was fun as there were developers participating in this competition from all over the world.

Windows 8 App developers – Identify and value your IP – free of charge

Microsoft and Inngot are implementing a new programme to support the Windows 8 community in making more of its intellectual property.

Windows 8 will be the first release to feature ‘apps’. Microsoft is looking to help app developers get off to the best possible start by understanding the full range of assets they are creating, and how much these can be worth to their business. In most cases, apps involve a bundle of IP – not just software code, but brands, distinctive designs and characters, and potentially vast user bases. Many apps have spawned entire franchises and become global properties which require careful management to protect and exploit them.

Microsoft is providing 100 members of the Elite club developing apps for Windows 8 with an opportunity to identify your intellectual property (IP) and intangible assets, and find out what they are worth – at no charge. Don’t delay – we only have 100 profiling and valuation packages on offer, and they are available on a first come, first served basis, for a limited time period. Click here to redeem your code now.