Category Archives: Introduction to Command Binding

Introduction to Command Binding

We have seen the abc’s of Data Binding here. If you have worked in VC++, then you are aware of some of the semantics of WPF command binding. Basically, commands are nothing but actions performed on the applications using input mechanism. commands are abstract and loosely-coupled version of events. Whereas events are tied to details about specific user actions (such as a Button being clicked or a List Item being selected), commands represent actions independent from their user interface exposure. Canonical examples of commands are Cut, Copy, and Paste. In VC++ MFC, we declare commands and then define the functions that execute the command action. Similarly, in WPF, the semantics and the object that invokes a command is separated from the logic that executes the command. This allows for multiple and disparate sources like MenuItems in a Menu, MenuItems on a Context Menu(Right Click), Buttons on a ToolBar, keyboard shortcuts(CTRL+X for Cut), and so on, to invoke the same command logic, and it allows the command logic to be customized for different targets. We used to perform similar design in VC++ too.

In VC++ MFC application, for example, the editing operations Copy, Cut, and Paste, can be invoked by using different user actions if they are implemented by using commands. An MFC application might allow a user to cut selected text by either choosing an Cut item in edit menu, or Cut in right click menu, or using a key combination, such as CTRL+X. By using commands, you can bind each type of user action to the same logic. In VC++, we assign ID’s to each command like ID_EDIT_COPY, ID_EDIT_CUT and ID_EDIT_PASTE. WPF supports similar concepts but uses a different mechanism to achieve it. By using commands, you can bind each type of user action to the same logic. Another purpose of commands is to indicate whether an action is available. To continue the example of cutting an object or text, the action only makes sense when something is selected. If a user tries to cut an object or text without having anything selected, nothing would happen. To indicate this to the user, many applications disable buttons and menu items so that the user knows whether it is possible to perform an action.

A command is any object implementing the ICommand interface (from System.Windows.Input), which defines two methods and one event:

  • Execute—The method that executes the command-specific logic
  • CanExecute—A method returning true if the command is enabled or false if it is disabled
  • CanExecuteChanged—An event that is raised whenever the value of CanExecute changes

Steps to create a Command:

  1. Say you want to create a Cut Command. We need to implement a class that implements ICommand.
  2. Call Execute from relevant event handlers (when CanExecute returns true)
  3. Handle the CanExecuteChanged event to toggle the IsEnabled property on the relevant pieces of user interface.

Fortunately, controls such as Button, CheckBox, and MenuItem have logic to interact with any command on your behalf. They expose a simple Command property (of type ICommand). When set, these controls automatically call the command’s Execute method (when CanExecute returns true) whenever their Click event is raised. In addition, they automatically keep their value for IsEnabled synchronized with the value of CanExecute by leveraging the CanExecuteChanged event. By supporting all this via a simple property assignment, all of this logic is available from XAML. Some of WPF’s controls have built-in behavior tied to various commands. 

WPF’s built-in commands like Cut, Copy, Paste are exposed as static properties and they are all instances of RoutedUICommand, a class that not only implements ICommand, but supports bubbling just like a routed event. A command can indicate whether an action is possible by implementing the CanExecute method. A button can subscribe to the CanExecuteChanged event and be disabled if CanExecute returns false or be enabled if CanExecute returns true.

WPF defines a bunch of commands already, so you don’t have to implement ICommand objects for Cut, Copy, and Paste and worry about where to store them. WPF’s built-in commands are exposed as static properties of five different classes:

  • ApplicationCommands—Close, Copy, Cut, Delete, Find, Help, New, Open, Paste, Print, PrintPreview, Properties, Redo, Replace, Save, SaveAs, SelectAll, Stop, Undo, and more
  • ComponentCommands—MoveDown, MoveLeft, MoveRight, MoveUp, ScrollByLine, ScrollPageDown, ScrollPageLeft, ScrollPageRight, ScrollPageUp, SelectToEnd, SelectToHome, SelectToPageDown, SelectToPageUp, and more
  • MediaCommands—ChannelDown, ChannelUp, DecreaseVolume, FastForward, IncreaseVolume, MuteVolume, NextTrack, Pause, Play, PreviousTrack, Record, Rewind, Select, Stop, and more
  • NavigationCommands—BrowseBack, BrowseForward, BrowseHome, BrowseStop, Favorites, FirstPage, GoToPage, LastPage, NextPage, PreviousPage, Refresh, Search, Zoom, and more
  • EditingCommands—AlignCenter, AlignJustify, AlignLeft, AlignRight, CorrectSpellingError, DecreaseFontSize, DecreaseIndentation, EnterLineBreak, EnterParagraphBreak, IgnoreSpellingError, IncreaseFontSize, IncreaseIndentation, MoveDownByLine, MoveDownByPage, MoveDownByParagraph, MoveLeftByCharacter, MoveLeftByWord, MoveRightByCharacter, MoveRightByWord, and more

Each of these properties does not return a unique type implementing ICommand. Instead, they are all instances of RoutedUICommand, a class that not only implements ICommand, but supports bubbling just like a routed event.


Lets develop a dialog that has a “Help” button, when clicked will open the help webpage. Let’s demonstrate how these built-in commands work by attaching some logic with the Help command defined in ApplicationCommands. Assuming the Button is named helpButton, you can associate it with the Help command in C# as follows:

helpButton.Command = ApplicationCommands.Help;

All RoutedUICommand objects define a Text property containing a name for the command that’s appropriate to show in a user interface. (This property is the only difference between RoutedUICommand and its base RoutedCommand class.) For example, the Help command’s Text property is (unsurprisingly) set to the string Help. The hard-coded Content on this Button could therefore be replaced as follows:

helpButton.Content = ApplicationCommands.Help.Text;

If you were to run the dialog with this change, you would see that the Button is now permanently disabled. That’s because the built-in commands can’t possibly know when they should be enabled or disabled, or even what action to take when they are executed. They delegate this logic to consumers of the commands. To plug in custom logic, you need to add a CommandBinding to the element that will execute the command or any parent element (thanks to the bubbling behavior of routed commands). All classes deriving from UIElement (and ContentElement) contain a CommandBindings collection that can hold one or more CommandBinding objects. Therefore, you can add a CommandBinding for Help to the dialog’s root Window as follows in

        <CommandBinding Command="Help"
                        Executed="CommandBinding_Executed" />


Or in its code-behind file:

this.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.Help,
        CommandBinding_Executed, CommandBinding_CanExecute));

The methods called CommandBinding_Executed and CommandBinding_CanExecute have to be defined in code behind file as follows. These methods will be called back at appropriate times in order to plug in an implementation for the Help command’s CanExecute and Execute methods.

private void CommandBinding_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
    if (firstName.Text == "help")
        e.CanExecute = true;
        e.CanExecute = false;


private void CommandBinding_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)



In the XAML file, assign the command to the help button as follows.

<Button Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" Command="Help"
          Name="MyHelpButton" Margin="4,190,0,5">


Compile the project and run the application. Initially, the help button is disabled. Enter help in the first name textbox and you can see that the help button is enabled. Now to take advantage of command binding, say you want to bring up help when user presses keyboard shortcut F2 key. We can bind our own input gestures to a command by adding KeyBinding and/or MouseBinding objects to the relevant element’s InputBindings collection in code as follows

              new KeyBinding(ApplicationCommands.Help, new KeyGesture(Key.F2)));

The same binding can be performed in XAML as follows

    <KeyBinding Command="Help" Key="F2"/>
    <KeyBinding Command="NotACommand" Key="F1"/>


The complete XAML code is

<Window x:Class="CommandBinding101.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
        <CommandBinding Command="Help"
                        Executed="CommandBinding_Executed" />
        <KeyBinding Command="Help" Key="F2"/>
        <KeyBinding Command="NotACommand" Key="F1"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="30"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="30"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="30"/>

            Enter your first name:
        <TextBox Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1"
           Name="firstName" Margin="0,5,10,5"/>

        <Label Grid.Row="1" >
            Enter your last name:
        <TextBox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1"
           Name="lastName" Margin="0,5,10,5"/>

        <Button Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0"
          Name="Clear" Margin="2" Click="Clear_Click">
            Clear Name

        <Button Content="Enable Help" Margin="2" Name="button1" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="2" Click="button1_Click" />
        <Button Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" Command="Help"
          Name="MyHelpButton" Margin="4,190,0,5">
        <Label Content="Type help in the first name edit box to enable the Help button" Margin="-1,13,12,164" Grid.Row="3" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" />

The complete code behind is

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;

namespace CommandBinding101
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow()
            //MyHelpButton.Command = ApplicationCommands.Help;

           // this.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.Help,
           //  CommandBinding_Executed, CommandBinding_CanExecute));

            //  new KeyBinding(ApplicationCommands.Help, new KeyGesture(Key.F2)));


        private void CommandBinding_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
            if (firstName.Text == "help")
                e.CanExecute = true;
                e.CanExecute = false;


        private void CommandBinding_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)


        private void Clear_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

        private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            firstName.Text = "help";

If you use one of the preexisting RoutedUICommand objects for a WPF command, e.g. ApplicationCommands.Open, you’ll notice that the RoutedUICommand instance has a Text property.  This property in the command is used to set the label appearing on any MenuItem instances that have attached to the command by setting their Command property.  You don’t need to set the menu item’s Header property explicitly.

Download the source code here

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